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Welcoming 2023 in Enrichment!

Hi everyone!

It was wonderful having the children back together again these past two days! We heard all about the fun things they did and saw over the break. Not to worry, no confessions. Lol!

Looking ahead, here are some dates to be aware of in January.

1/11- Popcorn and Pajamas party! See flyer in their backpack for details.


1/28- Jack and Jill Open House- 10-12

Ms. Heather from DramaKids came for a visit on Tuesday, where we pretended to be pirates! We're starting to explore skits, rehearsing, and individual lines. Very exciting stuff!

Our book this week was The Hat by Jan Brett. A curious hedgehog, "Hedgie", got Lisa's woolen stocking stuck on his head while sniffing around. The other animals he encountered made fun of him for having something stuck on his head (The Hat). Hedgie, in order to save his pride, tells them different reasons it was there on purpose (to keep him dry/warm, etc.) In doing so he convinces the other animals they need to keep dry/warm too, and they all run off to find pieces of Lisa's wool clothes too. This is another beautifully illustrated book by Jan Brett, where we find background information and context clues in her drawings.

What was NEW in centers this week?

Art- The children had a chance to make their own "Hedgies" by gluing different sensory materials (pine cone pieces, felt, paper shred) to make his prickles.

Easel- Dot maker hat design

Playdough- Peppermint scented pink playdough with buttons, pipe cleaner pieces, and winter cookie cutters

Pretend center- This month we have a Hot Cocoa Stand! Using "chocolate", "marshmallows'', "candy canes'', and "sprinkles" the children are making delicious concoctions for each other and for us!

Discovery- Fill the snowman- Using tweezers, the children picked up pom poms to fill our snowman bottles

Block area- We added snowball toss, bristle blocks, and alpha-bots (letters that transform into robots) to the block area.

Writing table- Snowflake tracing- We can follow the line that the snowflake takes to the ground.

Sensory- Arctic habitat- Our table is filled with "ice cubes", "snow", arctic animals, and igloos for some wintertime fun!

We hope you all have a wonderful rest of your week and weekend. We look forward to seeing you again on Monday!


Christina Renoni, Ashlee Taylor, and Erica Derbyshire


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